Test post – 6/25 – with longer headline and longer preview text to check sizing
Test–Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit.
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Leadership Changes at BCV
FORT WAYNE, Ind.— Effective January 1st, 2024, Barton Coe Vilamaa Architects & Engineers is beginning a new chapter for the soon-to-be 55-year-old architectural and engineering firm. With the start of the New Year, BCV (Barton Coe Vilamaa) will experience a changing of the guard in the roles of President and Vice President. Over the last ...
Trace Hewson joins BCV as Graphic Designer
At BCV, we are constantly seeking ways to improve and innovate for our clients as well as for ourselves. Trace Hewson joins us in leading our marketing efforts through graphic design, social media, project photography, videography, and being a cheerleader for BCV. If you’ve worked with us before, you may recognize his last name. Kyle ...